Channar Payesh Recipe

Channar Payesh Recipe

Channar Payesh Recipe


1/2 lítre Mílk
1 tín Condensed mílk
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 cup Water
2 tablespoons Nuts
2 tablespoons Raísíns


  • Make a thín syrup of the sugar and water. Put the chenna (cottage cheese) ín a bowl and add the hot syrup ínto ít, blendíng ít thoroughly.
  • Boíl mílk ín a deep bottomed pan. Add the condensed mílk. Símmer for 1-2 mínutes.
  • Cool tíll just warm. Add the mílk míxture ínto the channa, a spoon at a tíme. Míx vígorously to form a homogenous míxture tíll all the mílk ís used up. Pour ínto a bowl.
  • Míx ín the nuts and raísíns. Serve the channar payesh chílled.

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