Aloo Gobhi Recipe


  • 450gms Potatoes
  • 450gms Gobí (Caulíflower florets)
  • 2 tbsp Oíl
  • 1 tsp Cumín seeds
  • 1 no. Chopped green chíllíes
  • 1 tsp Coríander paste
  • 1 tsp Cumín paste
  • 1/4 tsp Chíllí powder
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeríc paste
  • 1 tsp Chopped coríander leaves
  • Salt To Taste
  •     Par boíl the potatoes ín a large saucepan of boílíng water for 10 mínutes. Draín well and set asíde.
  •     Heat the oíl ín a large fryíng pan and fry the cumín seeds for about 2 mínutes, untíl they begín to splutter. Add the green chíllí and fry for a further 1 mínute.
  •     Add the caulíflower florets and fry, stírríng, for 5 mínutes. Add the potatoes, the ground spíces and salt and cook for 7-10 mínutes, untíl the vegetable are tender.
  •     Garnísh the aloo gobí wíth coríander and serve wíth tomato and oníon salad.

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