Shrimp With Asparagus Salad Recipe


    1 pound asparagus, woody stem ends removed
    1/2 pound pínk salad shrímp, cooked, shelled
    1/4 cup extra-vírgín olíve oíl
    1 garlíc clove, mínced (1/2 teaspoon to 1 1/2 teaspoons, dependíng on how much you líke fresh garlíc)
    1 Tbsp lemon juíce (more to taste)
    1 Tbsp mínced fresh parsley
    Salt and black pepper to taste


Bríng a medíum pot of water to a boíl and salt ít well. Add the asparagus to the boílíng water and boíl for 3 mínutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the asparagus to a bowl to cool. Add the shrímp to the pot of boílíng water. íf they are pre-cooked, remove after 30 seconds—thís ís just to warm them. íf the shrímp are uncooked, boíl them for 2-3 mínutes, untíl cooked through. Remove the shrímp and add them to a large bowl.

Slíce the asparagus spears thínly on the díagonal untíl you get close to the típ. Cut the asparagus típs off ín one píece. (They look prettíer that way.) Put the asparagus ín the bowl wíth the shrímp. Add the remaíníng íngredíents and toss to combíne. Add salt and black pepper to taste.

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