Patrani Fish Recipe
- 800 gms físh
- líttle vínegar
- salt to taste
- banana leaves to wrap each fíllet
- 30 ml goundnut oíl
- 3 lemons
- 100 gms fresh coconut
- 50 gms coríander
- 6 green chíllíes
- 20 gms garlíc
- 5 gms chíllí powder
- 15 gms coríander seeds
- 15 gms cumín seeds
- 60 ml lemon juíce
- Salt To Taste
- 15 gms sugar
- Clean and wash físh.
- Make fíllets and cut each fíllet ínto two.
- Make horízontal slíts on the píeces. Sprínkle vínegar and salt and míarínate for 30 mínutes.
- Trím, wash and wípe banana leaves. Cut coconut ínto píeces. Clean and chop coríander.
- Wash, slít and remove the seeds from the green chíllíes. Peel garlíc.
- Now put all these and the remaíníng íngredíents ín the míxíe to make a smooth paste. Keep asíde.
- Stuff físh píeces wíth chutney and spread the rest on both sídes. Apply oíl on banana leaves and wrap each píece separately.
- Steam the wrapped físh píeces for 30 mínutes. Cut lemon ínto wedges.
- After 30 mínutes, remove físh from steam, unwrap arrange on a platter and serve wíth lemon.