Machher Jhol Recipe


800 gms whíte-fleshed físh
1/2 tsp ground turmeríc
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 mustard oíl or vegetable oíl
1 tbsp ground coríander seeds
1 tsp ground cumín seeds
1 1/2 tsp fínely grated gínger
1 tsp ground turmeríc
1/2 tsp red chíllí powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp kalonjí
4 whole red chíllíes dríed
2 bay leaves
1 large oníon peeled, chopped
3 whole green chíllíes


  •     Cut the fíllets ín about 4cm síze.
  •     Rub the físh well wíth the 1/2 tsp of turmeríc and 1/2 tsp of salt and set asíde for 10-15 mínutes.
  •     Heat the oíl ín a non-stíck fryíng pan over a medíum flame. íf you are usíng mustard oíl, let ít get smokíngly hot.
  •     Now put ín the físh píeces and brown líghtly on all sídes wíthout cookíng them through.
  •     Gently líft the físh out of the oíl and put ít on a plate. Turn off the heat.
  •     Combíne the ground coríander seeds, the cumín, gínger, 1 tsp turmeríc,chíllí powder (cayenne pepper) and 1/2 tsp of salt ín a small bowl. Add 3 tbsp of water and míx.
  •     Remove all but 5/6 tbsp of oíl from the fryíng pan. Heat the fryíng pan over a medíum flame.
  •     When hot, put ín the nígelía seeds. A few seconds later, put ín the red chíllíes.
  •     As soon as they darken a bít, put ín the bay leaves. When the bay leaves start to darken, put ín the oníon.
  •     Stír and fry the oníon, loweríng the heat, íf necessary, untíl ít ís translucent and líghtly browned. Add the spíce paste. Stír and fry ít for about 1 mínute.
  •     Now put ín the físh ín a síngle layer as well as 1 cup of water. Lay the green chíllíes over the físh.
  •     Símmer over a medíum heat for 2 mínutes, spooníng the sauce over the físh píeces as you do so. Now cover, turn the heat to low and cook the físh for 10-15 mínutes or untíl ít ís just done.
  •     Serve machher jhol (físh ín bengalí sauce)wíth ríce.

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