An image of a steaming papillote filled with succulent lemongrass-infused cilantro mojo, enveloping vibrant vegetables and tender protein, nestled on a bed of fragrant jasmine rice

Lemongrass CilantroMojo Papillote

This work attempts to provide an unbiased and informative overview of ‘Lemongrass Cilantro Mojo Papillote.’

This traditional dish combines the flavors of lemongrass and cilantro in a papillote cooking method. A look into the history of lemongrass will be undertaken, as well as an exploration of the ingredients and instructions for preparing this dish.

Furthermore, cooking tips exclusive to lemongrass recipes will be provided. By adhering to an academic style of writing, an effort is made to present the information in an objective and impersonal manner.

History of Lemongrass

The history of lemongrass stretches back centuries, with documented evidence indicating its origins in Southeast Asia. Lemongrass, scientifically known as Cymbopogon, is a perennial grass-like plant of the Poaceae family. It is native to countries such as India, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Over the years, lemongrass has been highly valued for its culinary and medicinal benefits. In traditional Southeast Asian cuisines, lemongrass is often added to dishes to impart a distinct citrusy flavor, particularly in soups, curries, and stir-fries.

Moreover, lemongrass has been used in traditional medicine to treat various health conditions, including digestive issues and inflammation. The popularity of lemongrass has since spread beyond Southeast Asia, and is now cultivated in many parts of the world, making it a globally known and appreciated herb.

Ingredients for Lemongrass CilantroMojo Papillote

-2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
-1/4 cup finely chopped lemongrass
-1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
-1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
-1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
-1 teaspoon freshly minced garlic
-1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
-1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-4 tilapia fillets
-4 teaspoons butter, melted
-4 sheets parchment paper


To prepare the lemongrass cilantro mojo papillote dish, one must first assemble the necessary ingredients. This dish requires the following:

  • 2 lemongrass stalks, finely chopped
  • 1 cup cilantro leaves, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Once all the items are ready, the first step is to preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).

Take four large pieces of parchment paper and fold them in half.

On one side of each folded parchment paper, place a portion of the lemongrass, cilantro, garlic, and olive oil.

Then, put a piece of fish or chicken on top of the herb mixture.

Fold the other side of the parchment paper over the fish or chicken, creating a secure pouch.

Cooking Tips for Lemongrass Recipes

When preparing lemongrass recipes, proper handling and preparation techniques are essential to bring out the flavors and aromas of the dish. Lemongrass, a tropical grass native to Southeast Asia, has a distinctive citrusy and herbal flavor profile. To make the most of its unique taste, there are certain guidelines to follow. Firstly, choose fresh lemongrass stalks that are firm, pale yellow, and have a strong fragrance. Trim off the tough outer layers and cut the stalks into small pieces or crush them to release their essential oils. Secondly, marinate the lemongrass in a mixture of ingredients such as soy sauce, ginger, and garlic to enhance its flavor. Lastly, it is recommended to cook lemongrass recipes over low to medium heat to allow the flavors to develop gradually. A summary of key cooking tips for lemongrass recipes can be found in the table below.

Cooking Tips for Lemongrass Recipes
Select fresh and fragrant lemongrass stalks
Trim tough outer layers and cut into small pieces
Consider marinating lemongrass to intensify flavor
Cook over low to medium heat for gradual flavor development

Final Thoughts

It is clear that proper handling and preparation techniques are important for unleashing the flavors and aromas of lemongrass recipes. With its distinct citrusy and earthy flavors, lemongrass must be handled with care to ensure its full potential is reached in dishes.

To start, it is essential to choose fresh and vibrant lemongrass stalks, as older ones may not have as strong of a flavor. Additionally, thorough cleaning and trimming of the stalks is necessary to get rid of any tough or fibrous parts, only keeping the tender and aromatic portions.

Moreover, pounding or bruising the lemongrass stalks before incorporating them into recipes helps to release their essential oils, further intensifying their flavor. Lastly, lemongrass should be added at the right stage of cooking, allowing enough time for its flavors and aromas to infuse into the dish without becoming overpowering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Substitute Lemongrass With Another Herb in This Recipe?

Substituting lemongrass with another herb in the recipe ‘Lemongrass CilantroMojo Papillote’ can be considered, as long as the chosen herb shares similar flavor profiles. Experimentation with herbs like basil or mint may yield satisfactory results.

How Long Can I Store the Lemongrass Cilantromojo Papillote in the Refrigerator Before It Goes Bad?

The storage duration of Lemongrass CilantroMojo Papillote in the refrigerator before spoilage is influenced by factors such as temperature, ingredients, and food safety practices. However, further information is required to provide a specific timeframe.

Are There Any Variations or Additions I Can Make to the Recipe to Give It a Unique Twist?

There are numerous variations and additions that can be made to a recipe in order to give it a unique twist. These modifications can include experimenting with different herbs, spices, sauces, or even incorporating unconventional ingredients.

Can I Use Dried Lemongrass Instead of Fresh Lemongrass in This Recipe?

The use of dried lemongrass instead of fresh lemongrass in a recipe can alter the taste and aroma of the dish. Fresh lemongrass is generally recommended to maximize the desired flavors and fragrances.

Are There Any Other Dishes or Cuisines That Commonly Use Lemongrass as an Ingredient?

Lemongrass is a commonly used ingredient in various dishes and cuisines around the world. Its distinct citrusy flavor and aroma make it a popular addition to Asian, Thai, and Vietnamese cuisines, where it is often used in soups, curries, and stir-fries.


In conclusion, lemongrass is a versatile ingredient that has a rich history and is commonly used in various cuisines. Its unique flavor profile adds a refreshing and citrusy taste to dishes.

When preparing lemongrass recipes, it is important to follow cooking tips such as bruising the stalks and using only the tender parts.

By incorporating lemongrass into your cooking, you can elevate the flavors of your dishes and explore new culinary experiences.

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