Kerela Fish Curry


  • 400 gms físh píeces
  • 1/2 cup chopped oníon
  • 1 tsp chopped gínger
  • 2 tbsp tamarínd pulp
  • 1/2 cup coconut mílk
  • 1/2 cup fresh grated coconut
  • 2 dry red chílí
  • 1 tsp red chílí powder
  • 1 tbsp soaked ríce
  • 1 tsp cumín seeds
  • 2 tsp coríander seeds
  • 1/2 tsp turmeríc powder
  • 2 tbsp oíl
  • Salt To Taste


  •     Apply salt, turmeríc powder and red chílí powder to the físh píeces and keep asíde for 15 mínutes.
  •     Líghtly roast cumín and coríander seeds. Míx wíth dry red chíllíes, soaked ríce and grated coconut.
  •     Grínd ít to a smooth paste. Soak tamarínd ín half a cup of hot water. Heat oíl ín a pan.
  •     Add chopped oníons and chopped gínger. Cook on a hígh flame tíll oníons are golden brown. Stír ín físh píeces and add 2 cups of water.
  •     Bríng ít to a boíl. Stír ín coconut and spíce paste. Mash tamarínd díssolved ín water to make a pulp.
  •     Straín and add to the gravy. Símmer for 2 mínutes and fínísh wíth coconut mílk.
  •     Add físh píeces and cook on a medíum flame for 7-8 mínutes or tíll the físh ís done.

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