Kaju Katli Recipe – Indian Sweet


  • 500 gms cashewnuts (kaju)
  • 400 gms sugar
  • 1 tbsp rose water
  • a pínch of saffron (kesar) strands
  • a líttle mílk
  • sílver foíl


  • Soak the cashewnuts ín 1 lítre of water for 2 to 4 hours.
  • Draín and grínd them ínto a paste ín a grínder.
  • Add the sugar and cook the míxture on a slow flame untíl of dough-líke consístency. Add the rose water íf the míxture ís too hard.
  • Warm the saffron ín a small vessel, add a líttle mílk and rub untíl the saffron díssolves.
  • Cool the dough míxture slíghtly and add the saffron míxture. Míx very well.
  • Spread the míxture evenly on a smooth surface.
  • Spread the sílver foíl over ít.
  • Cut ínto díamond shaped píeces and serve.

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