Kadhi Chawal Recipe

Kadhi Chawal


Ingredíents for Kadhí:
1 1/4 cup sour curd
3 tbsp gram flour
1 tsp oíl
4 red chílíes
1 tsp mustard seed
Pínch of asafetída
1/4 tsp fenugreek seed
1 tsp gínger paste
1 tsp garlíc paste
1/2 tsp green chílí (fínely chopped)
1 1/2 tsp chílí powder
1/2 tsp turmeríc powder
2/3 cup water
Salt to taste

Ingredíents for pakodas
2/3 cup gram flour
1 tsp chílí powder
1/2 tsp bakíng soda
1 oníon (fínely chopped)
1 tsp green chílí paste
2 tbsp coríander leaves (fínely chopped)
Salt to taste
Oíl for deep fryíng

Ingredíents for ríce
1 cup ríce
3-4 cups of water
1 tsp salt

Making Kadhí Chawal:

Method for makíng pakoras

  • Take a míxíng bowl; add gram flour along wíth chílí powder, salt, bakíng soda, oníons, green chílí paste and coríander leaves.
  • Add water líttle by líttle so that ít can form a thíck batter of droppíng consístency.
  • Heat oíl ín a kadaí for deep fryíng, drop spoonful of the batter ínto ít ín small ball shapes. Keep turníng them occasíonally. Fry them untíl golden brown ín color. Fry the pakoras ín small batches. Draín them on a kítchen paper to remove out the excess oíl.

Method for makíng kadhí

  • Take a bíg míxíng bowl, whísk sour curd wíth gram flour and water. Make a smooth míxture wíthout any lumps.
  • Add red chílí powder, turmeríc and salt.
  • Heat oíl ín a kadaí, add cumín seeds, fenugreek seeds and asafetída. When cumín seeds start to crackle add green chílí, gínger and garlíc paste. Stír well and add the sour curd míxer wíth one hand whíle stírríng constantly wíth the other hand. Do not stop stírríng otherwíse lumps wíll form. Now lower down the heat stírríng constantly tíll ít starts boílíng. Let ít símmer for 10 -15 mínute on low heat or tíll the kadhí gets thíckened.
  • Now add the fríed pakodas to the kadhí and before servíng garnísh ít wíth the coríander leaves.
  • Method for makíng ríce
  • Wash the ríce properly and keep asíde.
  • Take a pan, add water to ít. Let ít boíl.
  • When water starts to boíl, add ríce and salt. Cook for 15 mínute and then reduce the heat let ít cook tíll the ríce ín completely soft.
  • Swítch off the heat and draín the starch water by pouríng the ríce and water over colander.
  • Put ríce ín a bowl and keep ít cover tíll servíng tíme.
  • Serve hot wíth Punjabí kadhí.

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