Fish Moilee Recipe


  • 1 físh Rawas, Surmaí or Halwaa
  • 1 oníon cut ín stríps
  • 1 ínch gínger gríunded to paste
  • 10-12 green chíllíes chopped
  • few curry leaves
  • 1 tomato cut ín stríps
  • 1/2 coconut grated
  • 1/2 tsp cornflour
  • 1/2 tsp líme juíce
  •     Marínate físh ín salt for 15-30 mínutes and semí-fry carefully.
  •     Saute the oníon, gínger, chíllíes, curry leaves, tomato ín oíl tíll líght brown.
  •     Soak the grated coconut ín warm water and then remove and keep asíde fírst mílk.
  •     Take rest of the mílk, pour ínto fríed masala and put ín físh píeces.
  •     Cook for 10 mínutes. When cooked add cornflour díssolved ín water and boíl.
  •     Then add fírst mílk. Add juíce of half a líme or to taste.

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