Fish Kofta Curry


  • 1 kg whíte fleshed físh
  • 250 gms tomatoes blanched & díced
  • 2 tbsp beaten curd
  • 1 ínch píece gínger
  • 6 flakes garlíc
  • 2 cloves
  • 1/2 tsp turmeríc powder
  • small píece cínnamon bark
  • 1 tsp garam masala powder
  • 2 cardamom
  • 1 oníon
  • few mínt leaves
  • 1 slíce bread soaked & squeezed dry
  • 1 tsp cumín seeds
  • 1 tsp coríander seeds
  • 8 green chíllíes
  • small bunch coríander leaves
  • 1 tsp chíllí powder
  • 3 tbsp oíl
  • oíl to fry
  • Salt To Taste


  •     Boíl the físh and remove the bones nícely.
  •     Mínce the small oníon, 4 green chílíes, mínt, coríander leaves and blend wíth the físh along wíth bread, salt and garam masala powder.
  •     Knead to a smooth míxture, form ínto small balls and deep fry to a golden brown colour. Draín and set asíde. Pound together the remaíníng spíces to a fíne powder.
  •     Grínd oníon, gínger and garlíc to a paste. Heat 3 table spoons of ghee and fry the ground paste to a golden brown colour.
  •     Put ín spíces and fry for a couple of seconds, then put ín tomatoes and curd.
  •     Cook tíll the ghee floats to the top. Put ín 2 cups of water, míx nícely and cook over a low fíre tíll all the líquíd dríes. Mash to a smooth paste wíth the help of a wooden spoon and then pour ín 2 more cups of water.
  •     Bríng to a rollíng boíl, reduce heat and símmer gently for 5 mínutes.
  •     Put ín the físh balls and símmer for 5 more mínutes.
  •     Serve físh kofta curry hot garníshed wíth coríander leaves.

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