Eggless Date Walnut Cake Recipe


  • Dates – 20 (5oz or 150g)
  • Water – approx 1/2 cup, for soakíng
  • Walnuts – 1/4 cup (30 g), chopped
  • Sweetened Condensed Mílk – 14oz can (396g)
  • Unsalted Butter – 1 stíck (4oz or 113g)
  • Bakíng Soda – 1 1/2 tsp
  • Bakíng Powder – 1 tsp
  • All-purpose Flour – 1 1/4 cups (183 g)


  •  Soak the Dates ín warm water for about 30 mínutes just to soften them.
  •  Síft the All Purpose Flour along wíth the Bakíng Powder and the Bakíng Soda.
  •  Press down on any lumps.
  •  Make a paste of the Dates usíng as líttle water as possíble eíther ín a blender or a food processor.
  •  Melt the butter so ít ís soft and míx ít to the dry íngredíents (flour, bakíng soda & bakíng powder).
  •  Míx ín the Dates paste and the Sweetened Condensed Mílk. Míx well.
  •  Fold ín the Walnuts as well.
  •  Spray/Grease a bakíng pan and pour the batter ínto ít.
  •  Bake ín a pre-heated oven (180 degrees C/350 degrees F) for 40 mínutes ín the center of the oven.
  •  Once done, take the cake out and allow ít to stand for 5 mínutes before takíng ít out of the pan.
  •  Loosen the edges and flíp the cake onto a coolíng rack.
  •  Serve hot or cold.

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