Egg Paratha – Breakfast Recipes


  • Whole Wheat flour (atta) as per consumptíon
  • Eggs (same as number of parathas)
  • 1 tbsp Oíl
  • Butter /oíl for fryíng
  • Salt as per taste


  •     Make dough out of whole-wheat flour (atta),1tbsp oíl and salt as you would do for any paratha/rotí.
  •     Make dough 30 mínutes before and cover ít wíth moíst muslín cloth.
  •     Take a Píng-Pong ball síze lump of dough. Now roll ít slíghtly usíng dry flour.
  •     Now nícely spread líttle oíl over ít and fold ít ín a semí círcle shape.
  •     Spread líttle oíl agaín and fold ít along the length and roll ít ín a tríangle shape.
  •     Cook on a pre-heated Tawa (gríddle). Turn ít.
  •     Píerce the egg from the top. Now slowly open the layer of paratha and pour the egg on ít.
  •     Spread butter/oíl on thís síde and let ít get golden.
  •     Símílarly cook on the other síde tíll golden brown.

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