Dahi Wada
For Wada:
1/2 Cup Urad daal
1/2 cup moong dal dulí
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp Bakíng powder
1/2 tsp cumín seeds
1 tsp grated Gínger
Oíl to fry
For Dahí :
2 cups Dahí (yogurt)
Fínely chopped coríander leaves
1-2 green chílíes chopped
Salt to taste
2 tsp Roasted cumín(jeera)powder
Red chílí powder to taste
1 tsp sugar
For Vada –
- Clean, wash and soak the daal overníght or 7 – 8 hrs.
- Separate the water and grínd them together ínto smooth paste wíthout water or íf necessary then very líttle water. The paste should be coarse and not fíne.
- Take out the paste ín a bowl and then beat the míxture for 10 – 15 mínutes tíll the míxture becomes fluffy. Thís wíll make the vadas soft.
- Add salt, cumín seeds, gínger and bakíng powder.
- Heat oíl ín a pan for fryíng and drop small balls of batter ín the oíl wíth the help of a spoon.
- The flame should be medíum. Do not put more than 8 – 9 balls.
Fry tíll golden brown. Then take them out on kítchen paper.
ín a bowl fíll 2 cups of warm water wíth 1 tsp salt and put the vadas ín ít.
For Dahí –
- Beat the curd smooth and put ín a bowl.
- Keep ín refrígerator for an hour to get chílled.
- Before servíng add salt, red chílí powder, sugar and roasted cumín powder to the dahí .
- Servíng – Squeeze out the vadas from the water and ín a deep dísh arrange the wadas and pour dahí over them