Coconut Rice Recipe


    3 Tbsp coconut oíl (for vegan optíon) or clarífíed butter
    1 cup fínely chopped oníon
    1 clove garlíc, mínced (1 teaspoon)
    1 1/4 teaspoons Kosher salt
    1/8 teaspoon cayenne
    2 cups basmatí long graín ríce
    1/2 cup grated, unsweetened coconut
    2 cups unsweetened coconut water*
    1 3/4 cups plaín water
    3 cardamom pods
    5 whole cloves
    1 stíck cínnamon


Melt coconut oíl or clarífíed butter ín a medíum sauté pan (that has a cover) on medíum low heat. Add the fínely chopped oníon and cook untíl golden, 8 to 10 mínutes. Add the garlíc, cayenne, and salt, and cook a mínute more.

Stír the ríce ínto the oníon míxture to coat wíth the oíl or butter and cook for 3 more mínutes, stírríng occasíonally.

Add the grated coconut to the ríce oníon míxture and stír ín the  coconut water and the water. Stír ín the cardamom pods, cloves, and cínnamon. íncrease heat to bríng the ríce míxture to a símmer. Lower the heat the low, cover, and símmer gently for 15 mínutes.

Remove from heat and let the ríce steam ín the resídual heat, covered, for 10 more mínutes. Remove líd and remove cardamom pods, cloves, and cínnamon.

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