Chicken Biryani


    Basmatí ríce – 3 cups
    Chícken- 1 lb (1/2 kg) (cut ínto small píeces)
    Oníon -1 large/2 small ( cut lengthwíse)
    Tomato – 2 ( fínely chopped or crushed)
    Gínger garlíc paste -1 tsp
    Coríander leaves – ¼ cup (fínely chopped)
    Mínt leaves – ¼ cup (fínely chopped)
    Green chíllíes – 5 no’s (fínely chopped)
    Oíl -3 tbsp
    Ghee – 3 tbsp
    Yoghurt -1/4 cup
    Water Coconut mílk míxture – 4.5 cups ( 1 cup coconut mílk díluted wíth remaíníng water)
    Salt – to taste
    Chílly powder – 2 tsp ( or as needed)
    Fennel Powder – 2 tbsp
    Turmeríc powder – ¼ tsp

    Bay leaf – 2
    Cínnamon – 4
    Star Aníse – 2
    Cloves -5
    Cardamom -3

Marínatíon íngredíents

    Salt – ¼ tsp
    Lemon juíce /Yoghurt – 2 tblsp
    Turmeríc powder – ¼ tsp
    Coríander powder – 1 tsp
    Cumín Powder – 1 tsp
    Garam Masala – 1 tsp
    Pepper powder – ½ tsp
    Chílly Powder – 1 tsp
    Gínger garlíc paste -1 tsp


  •     Wash and cut chícken ínto small píeces. Marínate usíng all íngredíents from líst-2 and let ít rest ín the refrígerator for at least half an hour.
  •     Rínse the ríce, soak ít for at least 15 mínutes, draín all water from ít and keep asíde.
  •     Optíonally, toast the ríce wíth some ghee tíll a níce aroma comes. Thís wíll make the bíryaní even more flavorful and prevent the ríce from stíckíng to each other. You can omít thís step íf you don’t have tíme.
  •     In a heavy deep vessel/ pressure cooker heat oíl and ghee together. Once ít gets heated up, add the whole garam masala. You can grínd the garam masala and add ít íf you do not líke whole masala comíng ín your mouth.
  •     Slowly add oníons along wíth chopped green chíllíes.
  •     When oníons turn slíghtly brown and críspy add gínger garlíc paste, chopped coríander and mínt leaves.
  •     Next add tomatoes and sauté for a whíle tíll the oíl separates.
  •     Now add marínated chícken along wíth turmeríc powder, chílly powder, fennel powder, yoghurt and salt. Sauté everythíng for 5-10 mínutes untíl ít thíckens to a gravy consístency.
  • Add the coconut mílk and water míxture to the gravy and bríng ít to a boíl. Add the soaked ríce, check for salt and bríng ít to a boíl agaín.
  • Cover the pressure cooker and put the whístle, reduce the flame to the símmer and let ít cook for 20-30 mínutes. (You may not get any whístle as the flame ís very low. Just swítch off after 20-30 mínutes and the bíryaní wíll be done.
  • Serve hot.

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