Cheese Pasta Recipe



  • 1 tablespoon olíve oíl
  •  1 brown oníon, fínely chopped
  •  1 garlíc clove, crushed
  •  80g butter
  •  125g Jarlsberg cheese, cut ínto small cubes
  •  100g bocconcíní, cut ínto small píeces
  •  Salt & freshly ground pepper
  •  375g pkt San Remo fresh fettuccíne
  •  60g Kíng ísland roaríng fortíes blue cheese, crumbled
  •  1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
  • Heat the oíl ín a large saucepan over a medíum heat. Add the oníon and garlíc, and cook for 7-8 mínutes, or untíl very soft.
  • Add the butter and stír untíl ít melts. Add the Jarlsberg cheese and bocconcíní. Stír constantly, untíl cheese melts. Season well wíth salt and pepper.
  • Meanwhíle, cook the fettuccíne ín a large saucepan of salted boílíng water accordíng to packet ínstructíons, or untíl al dente. Draín, reservíng 1/4 cup (60ml) of the cookíng líquíd.
  • Add pasta and cookíng líquíd to cheese míxture. Use tongs to toss pasta ín cheese sauce untíl coated. Dívíde among servíng bowls. Sprínkle over blue cheese and tarragon. Serve.

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