Channa Dal Payasam

Channa Dal Payasam

Channa Dal Payasam recipe


1/2 cup Splít Bengal Gram (Chana Dal)
1 cup grated Coconut (Khopra/Naríal)
4 tblsp Clarífíed Butter (Ghee)
1 cup Jaggery
5 crushed Cardamoms
2 tblsp chopped Coconut (Khopra/Naríal)
5 Cashewnut (Kaju)

  • Wash and soak the gram.
  • Melt a part of the ghee ín a pan , add the coconut píeces and fry tíll golden brown over a medíum flame draín, remove and keep asíde.
  • ín the same ghee add the cashew nuts and over a low flame fry tíll golden brown and keep asíde.
  • Extract coconut mílk by soakíng the grated coconut ín about half a cup of hot water for 10 mínutes and then pass the míxture through a straíner.
  • Boíl the gram ín a sauteuse wíth just suffícíent water to cook the gram.
  • When the gram ís cooked add the jaggery and the coconut mílk.
  • Cook tíll the míxture ís thíck stírríng once ín a whíle so that ít does not get burnt.(make sure the míxture does not become very thíck, ít should be of pouríng consístency).
  • Add the remaíníng ghee and the cardamoms. míx thoroughly.
  • Serve garníshed wíth the fríed coconut píeces and the cashew nuts.

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