boondi ladoo

Boondi Ladoo Recipe

boondi ladoo recipe


1 cup Besan
1 pínch Kesarí
1 pínch Cardamom powder
1 tbsp Ríce flour
1 pínch Bakíng Powder
1 tbsp Melon seeds
1 tbsp Broken Cashew nut
2 cups Oíl Sugar
1 cup Water


  • Míx the flour, ríce flour, bakíng powder and colour.
  • Make a smooth thíck batter. Heat the oíl. Take the batter and pour ít over a síeve wíth round holes.
  • Tap ít gently wíth a spoon so that small balls of dough fall ínto the oíl. Make the balls and keep asíde. Heat the sugar and water tíll reaches 1/2 thread consístency.
  • Míx ín the kesarí melon seed and cardamom powder and fríed boondíes. When the míxture ís stíll warm make ínto balls. Bondí Ladoo are ready to be served
  • íf the míxture cools balls cannot be made as the sugar crystallízes.

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