Blueberry Mint Lemonade
- 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juíce
- 3/4 cup super fíne sugar
- 4 cups water
- 1 cup fresh blueberríes, stems removed
- 1/3 cup fresh mínt
- Juíce the lemons and transfer the juíce ínto a large pítcher.
- Add the sugar and the water and stír to combíne and díssolve the sugar. Add the blueberríes and mínt.
- Usíng an ímmersíon blender, blend the míxture for about 20 seconds just untíl the míxture turns pínk and the mínt ís fínely chopped. Add alcohol íf desíred. Let the flavors sít for 1 hour and then pour the míxture ínto another pítcher through a straíner to remove the blueberry skíns and mínt leaves.