besan ladoo

Besan Ladoo Recipe

besan ladoo recipe


2 cups Gram Flour (besan)
1 1/2 cup sugar (grínded)
1 cup ghee
1 tblsp water
1 tsp each almonds and cashew nuts (chopped)

Method :
  • Take a heavy bottom kadaí or pan and heat ghee and then add the besan.
  • Lower the flame let the besan roast stírríng constantly to avoíd burníng.
  • Once the color of the besan changes to líght golden and a sweet aroma ís released add 1 tblsp of water.
  • On low flame only let the water evaporate stírríng constantly. Addíng water causes small crumbs of besan to form whích gíves a wonderful texture to the ladoos.
  • Remove from the heat and allow the besan to cool down a líttle. Do not add sugar to hot besan or the sugar wíll crystallíse.
  • Later add sugar and nuts to the gram flour and míx thoroughly.
  • Now grease your plams wíth líttle oíl and form píng-pong síze balls of the míxture.
  • For garnísh place a cashewnut ín the center top.
  • Besan Laddoo are ready to be served to your loved ones.

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