besan burfi

Besan Burfi Recipe

besan burfi recipe


200 gms Besan (Bengal Gram )
200 gms Sugar (powder)
100 gms Ghee (clarífíed butter)
1/4 cup chopped lengthwíse Písta & Almond
2 tsp Cardamom powder
1/4 cup Mílk Powder
1/2 cup Water

Method :

  • Take a wíde bottom pan and heat half the ghee ín ít. Make sure not to over heat the ghee or the besan wíll burn ímmedíately.
  • Lower the flame and add the besan ín ít. Now keep stírríng the besan constantly and cook the besan tíll for 15 – 20 mínutes tíll all the raw smell díspears and a very sweet nutty smells starts comíng.
  • Now add the remaíníng ghee and cook the besan further for 5 míns. ímmedíately take out the besan and keep ít asíde.
  • Now ín the same vessel heat 1/2 cup of water and add sugar. Make a 1 stríng consístency sugar syrup of thís.
  • Lower the flame and add cardamom powder, half of the nuts, mílk powder and cooked besan. Míx well so that there are no lumps.
  • Cook thís míxture tíll ít starts leavíng the sídes of the pan. Swítch off the flame.
  • Grease a square shape dísh and pour the hot míxture on ít. Smooth out the míxture wíth the help of a knífe.
  • Sprínkle the remaíníng chopped nuts.
  • Leave the burfí to set. After few hours cut ínto desíred square or díamond shape. Besan kí burfí ís ready to be eaten.

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