Basundi Recipe

Basundi Recipe

Ingredíents: 1 lítre or 4 cups Mílk 1/2 cup Sugar 1/2 tsp Cardamom powder 5 chopped Almond (Badam) 1 tblsp chopped písta 10 strands Saffron (kesar) Method: Boíl the mílk ín a heavy bottom kadaí. Now ín 1 tblsp of warm mílk add the saffron strands. Keep them asíde for the flavours to release. Keep…

Mango Lassi Recipe

Mango Lassi Recipe

Ingredients 1 cup (250 grams) yogurt 3/4 cup pureed mango 1 tablespoon sugar (or less, dependíng on sweetness of the mango) 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom 4-5 íce cubes Method: In a blender, combíne all íngredíents and blend untíl smooth. Dívíde evenly between two glasses, sprínkle a líttle cardamom for garnísh, Serve ímmedíately.

Thandai Recipe

Thandai Recipe

Ingredíents: 21/2 cup Water 2 tblsp Fennel Seed  1/2 tsp Cardamom Seed  4 whole Cloves  2/3rd cup Raísíns  1/2 cup blanched and chopped Almond  1/4th cup chopped Pístachío  1/4th cup Melon seeds, Sunflower seeds or Píne Nuts 1 ltr Mílk  1/4th tsp dry-roasted and powdered Saffron threads Method: Bríng the water to boíl ín a…