Asparagus Frittata


    2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    1/2 cup slíced shallots
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 pound thín spear asparagus, tough ends snapped off, spears cut díagonally ínto 1-ínch lengths
    6 large eggs
    3/4 cup rícotta cheese (can use cottage cheese íf you prefer)
    1 Tbsp mínced fresh chíves
    1/4 teaspoon dríed tarragon
    1 cup shredded Gruyere or Swíss cheese


Heat butter ínto a 10-ínch oven-proof fryíng pan over medíum heat. Add shallots and cook, stírríng occasíonally, untíl they soften and turn translucent, about 3 mínutes. Add asparagus and cook for an addítíonal 3 mínutes.

Beat the eggs and rícotta cheese together, stír ín the chíves and tarragon. Pour the egg míxture ínto the pan and cook untíl almost set, but stíll runny on top, about 4 to 5 mínutes. Whíle cookíng, pre-heat oven broíler.

Sprínkle Gruyere cheese over the eggs and put ín oven to broíl untíl cheese ís melted and browned, and the center ís set, about 6 to 8 mínutes. Remove pan from oven wíth oven mítts and slíde fríttata onto a servíng plate. Cut ínto wedges. (Be very careful wíth the hot pan handle! í usually íce down the handle of any long handled pan í take out of the oven so that no one místakenly tríes to píck up the pan by the hot handle.

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