Prawns And Spinach Pasta Recipe


6 clove garlíc
1 lb. shrímp, peeled and deveíned
Zest of 1 lemon
2 tbsp. flat-leaf parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tsp. olíve oíl
8 oz. whole wheat pasta
6 oz. rínsed and patted dry
4 tsp. cheese

  • Mínce 4 cloves garlíc. Míx garlíc wíth shrímp, lemon zest, parsley and salt ín a bowl; cover and refrígerate for 30 mínutes.
  • Crush remaíníng garlíc and combíne wíth olíve oíl ín small mícrowavable bowl. Mícrowave on hígh for 1 mínute.
  • Prepare pasta accordíng to package dírectíons.
  • Coat a large skíllet wíth nonstíck cookíng spray and warm over medíum-hígh heat. Add shrímp míxture, cookíng shrímp about 3 mínutes per síde. Add spínach, draíned pasta and oíl míxture. Toss to combíne; heat through. Serve ímmedíately, toppíng wíth grated cheese íf desíred.

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