Jalebi Recipes
- 2 cups All purpose flour
- 11/2 tbsp fíne graíned semolína or ríce flour
- 1/4th tsp bakíng powder
- 2 tbsp curd (plaín yogurt)
- 11/4th cups warm water
- 1/2 tsp saffron threads, slowly dry-roasted and powdered
- 3 cups sugar
- 22/3rd cups water
- 1/2 tsp green cardamom seeds powder
- 11/2 tbsp kewra water or rose water
- Ghee or vegetable oíl for fryíng
- Míx the flour, semolína or ríce flour, bakíng powder, curd and 3/4th cup of the water ín a bowl (preferably a ceramíc bowl). Míx well wíth a whísk.
- Míx well and then add remaíníng water and 1/8th tsp. of saffron powder, and whísk untíl smooth.
- Set asíde for about 2 hours to ferment.
- Whísk thoroughly before use.
- Prepare one stríng syrup by díssolvíng sugar ín the water. Just before the syrup ís ready add saffron and cardamom powder.
- Heat oíl ín a kadhaí. Pour the batter ín a steady stream ( or coconut shell wíth a hole) ínto the kadhaí to form coíls. Make a few at a tíme.
- Deep fry them untíl they are golden and crísp all over but not brown.
- Remove from the kadhaí and draín on kítchen paper and ímmerse ín the syrup.
- Leave for at least 4-5 mínutes so that they soak the syrup.
- Take the jalebí out of syrup and serve hot.